G’day Folks,
Hope you are all well and staying warm. It is starting to feel like winter is here at last and we all know what that means…? That’s right, break out the Uggies & Beanies, get outside and catch a feed in the deep water.
For those that got offshore there have been good catches of Big Reds, Pearlies, Grass Emperor, good size Moses Perch and solid Amberjack being caught. The AJs have been a common catch lately. Although not looked at as a table fish, they are quite tasty if bled properly and cooked right. If you don’t like eating them, they make a great sports fish. Sounding up tightly packed bait schools is a good place to start. Dropping a metal jig down through the school and retrieved in a twitching motion will work on AJs and the likes. The Explores jigs rigged with BKK Twin Assist hooks are going to work a treat offshore this season.

The Snapper are starting to show up but not in huge numbers just yet. Floating for Snapper seems to be a popular past time for most Fishos but they are also great fun on slow pitch jigs and plastics in the 3 – 5’’ sizes. Come in and see the boys if you are keen to try something different this Snapper season.

Reports of Squid have been thick and fast the last couple of weeks and the standout jig of choice for most locals has been the YamashitA Egi Sutte R, 2.2 & 2.5 in Orange, Pink & Natural Prawn. The usual spots have been firing, the mouth of Carlo, around Lady Woodward and we have also been told that between Big Mick and Kauri on the ledge has been a hotspot too.
With the dropping water temp the Bream should be showing up in good numbers and so should the Sand Crab. Crabbing in the deeper water with fresh baits should see you take home a feed. I tend to run a string and check them an hour later, if there are not Sandies in that area, I’ll move my pots on till I find a patch and get a feed.
There have also been some nice Flatties coming off the flats the last few weeks. Using shallow running hardbodies like the Storm Slow Run 95’s has been working really well. Burn the lure over the flat for a couple of meters then pause it and allow it to float up to the surface then burn it again. Don’t worry if you are hitting the ground & kicking up the dust because that’s where our target lives.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our migrating southern friends if you are heading offshore. We were fortunate enough to have a good size big one come right up to the boat and say hello a couple of times the other day at the Bar Reef. I am always in awe when I see them swimming past and when you are in a 5m tinny you suddenly realise how small you really are.
That’s all for now Crew and we hope to see you on the water or in the shop soon & feel free to post a couple of pictures of your catch on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/thechandlerybaitandtackle/
Find us at the Tin Can Bay Marina, Emperor St for all your boating and fishing needs.
Cheers & Tight Lines
The Chandlery Bait & Tackle
